Ropecon 2017 © Marko Saari
Promotional Stands
The following associations and communities will present their activities At Ropecon 2022. You may find them from the back of Hall 3, next to the hangout area:
- Alter Ego ry
- Bujinkan Sakura Dojo
- Etelä-Suomen rooli ja strategiapeli yhdistys
- Gladiolus School of Arms ry
- Harmaasudet ry
- Hepro ry
- Hiiziviikonloppu ry
- Miekkailuseura EHMS
- Suomen merenneitoharrastajat ry
- Suomen roolipeliseura ry
- Suomen Showpainiyhdistys ry
- ”Support Ukraine!” Ukraine Larpers
- Tracon Ry
Opening hours vary from association to association.